Friday, September 9, 2011

Reading other blogs

After reading other fellow classmates blogs I realized that the use of proper grammar was not very well. Lot's of blogs didn't use capitalization, commas, periods, or contractions. I personally think that growing up in our generation communicating through computers are primarily made for informal chatting. Talking through AIM, Facebook chat, twitter, and also texting on mobile devices the users aren't focused on proper grammar. We have developed bad habits of wanting to get things sent as soon as possible using abbreviations. While viewing these blogs I witnessed the bad habits. I also noticed that some of the blogs the students didn't spend as much time and effort that other users such as myself did. I think that taking the time and reading over the blogs correcting small things like capitalizations can help improve their blogs and  make it look more professional. Also putting pictures with their blogs can help spark the interests of other readers. I am fairly happy with my blogs I can see that I have progressed from my first blog until my most recent posts. I have noticed that some of the topics are a little hard to write about. The topic of writing a story about one of our top three hero results was changeling for me so I tried to make a small funny poem because my top result was 85% Fool. I believe the more I blog the better I will become resulting in better posts and any advice from other classmates to help make my blog better are greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. You write, "We have developed bad habits..." in terms of the way that grammar is abused in posts. That is a good way of putting it because there is a difference between the errors that are made our of ignorance and the ones made out of carelessness.
