Monday, September 12, 2011

A day to remember.

Although mostly everyone couldn't tell you what they did last Tuesday, they could tell you what they did ten years ago on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. Yesterday our country celebrated the ten year anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Centers. It is hard to believe that only ten years ago I was sitting behind a desk as a little third grader in elementary school taking a spelling test when my teacher was handed a stack of papers that we had to bring home to our parents. I remember other kids in my class being picked up early by their parents and being one of the only kids left in the class. When I got home I remember repetitively watching the horrific film over, and over for no reason with my parents. After stumbling upon Pictures of 9-11 I thought this was a perfect opportunity to share the 10 year anniversary with my classmates. Do you remember exactly what you did on September 11th, 2001? I sure do.

1 comment:

  1. I was a sophomore in college doing work study in the biology lab just downstairs from out classroom. I remember watching it on Dr. Skeate's TV in his office along with the other biology professors.
